Tim Bowman's Interview w/Chris From Freedom Fighter's For America
Here is Timothy Bowman, the Common Law Husband of Patricia Kobylak, talking about what happened to Patricia.
Prisoner of The System: The Pat Kobylak Story
Prisoner of The System: The Drugging, Kidnapping and False Imprisonment of Pat Kobylak
Before I move on to the facts of Patricia's case, for those that believe that Pat's situation is contrived I would like to direct your attention to some other situations I recently discovered which parallel Patricia's situation. The first video details the story of Evelyn Schwartz and the second video deals with the Reta Cook situation. Hopefully this will lend credence to what I am saying about Pat and for those that believe Pat's situation is valid but isolated here is evidence that it is frighteningly wide spread (The only difference between each of these situations are the ages of the women. Evelyn, who passed away in February of this year, was 93, Reta is 84 and Patricia is 60 years old. Regardless of the age of the person, the crimes committed against these women and their loved ones is abominable):
>The Evelyn Schwartz Story
The Reta Cook Story
Update January-April 2011:
By The Grace of our Heavenly Father, I was able to visit Patricia at the Shore Winds nursing home from late January of this year until late April without incident. That ended, however, on April 23rd of this year. I was told that I wasn't on the approved visitors list. I pressed them to bring Patricia out to ask her if she wanted to visit with me or not, but they refused.Although, there was no incident ever reported, no complaints by Patricia and no court order or order of protection restricting my visitation I was kicked out and the police were called. I was told by both the nursing home staff and the police that I needed to contact the family. The same people that are guilty of coercing, drugging, kidnapping and forcefully imprisoning an innocent woman are the people that I was told to contact in order to get permission to visit Patricia. Well, this will not deter Timothy Bowman and I from fighting to save Patricia's life.
In the 4 months that I was able to visit Patricia, by The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ, I was able to collect pictures, audio and visual recordings. Here are some of the pictures that I collected:
Here is an affidavit that I submitted to the courts regarding the same day these pictures were taken:
We haven't heard from Patricia since June 11th of 2011. We don't know if Patricia is dead or alive at this point. All we have is the Faith that The Father In Heaven is in control of this situation and that His Will shall be accomplished. We continue to press ahead to save Pat's life, but we can use all the help we can get.
First and foremost, please pray for Patricia, Tim and those that have have perpetrated this heinous crime. There is nothing more powerful than prayer. So let us all, as we are commanded in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray without Ceasing!"
Here are some verses in scripture that point to the power and importance of Prayer:
“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18
“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16
“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Matthew 5:44
"Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." Matthew 17:21
“If any of you lacks wisdom, his should ask God, who gives generously to all without fault, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5
“Brethren, pray for us.” 1 Thessalonians 5:25
“Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; and that we may be delivered from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2
“Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God for me.” Romans 15:30
“With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.” Ephesians 6:18-20
“Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God may open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; in order that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak.” Colossians 4:2-3
-I want to create a groundswell of support to save Pat's life. For purposes of security please contact me via email and I will articulate what I have in mind.
-In the meantime, please contact the following outlets below or you can visit the People and Organizations contact list on the left hand side and tell them about Pat's situation:
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo
WHEC News Channel 10
191 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14604
Phone #: (585) 546-5670 | Email:
WOKR News Channel 13
Rochester Mayor Thomas Richards
Please feel free to contact me (Nicholas Gentile) at or her Husband Timothy Bowman at
Shalom. My name is Nicholas Gentile. On the night of Tuesday November 11, 2008 my life would change forever. I remember the date because that night I celebrated my ex-girlfriend's birthday. Before the celebration got underway, however, I decided to search the web. I eventually decided on going to As I searched through the list of shows, one in particular caught my eye. As I tuned in and started listening I became more and more intrigued with the story that the guest was telling. That night the show featured a man talking about his wife being kidnapped by her family and involuntarily placed at a Psychiatric ward. As the show progressed the guest mentioned that this was all taking place in the city of my residence, Rochester, NY. The guests name was Tim Bowman and his wife's name was Patricia Kobylak. When I heard this it grabbed my attention because I live in Rochester. The more information the guest divulged the worse the story became. I knew I had to do something so I waited for the right time and called into the show. I told the host that I lived in the Rochester area and that I had a cousin who was an attorney in the Greater Rochester Area. I told Tim (this was the first time I had heard of Timothy Bowman or spoken with him in my life) and the host of the show that I would contact my cousin to see what he could do. Even if he couldn't do anything maybe their was another attorney that he was aware of that could do something about the situation. After the show Tim Bowman and I exchanged email addresses and I told him that I would call my cousin the next day. The next day rolls around and I called my cousins office, but I was told by his secretary that he would be out of his office for a period of days. I left a message with her for him to get back to me, thanked her for her time and hung up. That same day I would also speak to Tim for the first time one on one over the phone. We talked about meeting up with one another so that I could go with him to visit his wife Patricia at The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic, the psychiatric ward, that Patricia was being involuntarily held at. I told Tim that I needed to visit a cousin of mine (a different cousin) for a couple of days, but when I got back that I would go with him to visit Patricia. After visiting this cousin for a couple of days I returned home and on the Sunday after the internet broadcast, Tim and I visited Patricia at the psychiatric ward . This was the first time I ever met Timothy Bowman and Patricia Kobylak. Prior to this I had never met Timothy Bowman or Patricia Kobylak. The next day I would receive a call from my cousin. After relaying the story to him to the best of my ability he was skeptical of what I was telling him. From the tone of the conversation I knew he had already made up his mind. I asked him to please speak to Tim regardless of what he felt after hearing what I had to say because although I knew what Tim was saying was true (by the grace of The Ruakh/The Spirit of Yahweh) I was new to the situation and was just getting acclimated to what I was hearing and had yet to hear all of the details. He agreed to speak with Tim, but again seemingly already made up his mind. After hanging up with my cousin I called Tim and informed him that I had just talked to my cousin and that although it didn't look very promising that he should still give my cousin a call to see what would happen. Not to long after hanging up with Tim he called me back and told me he spoke to my cousin. According to Tim my cousin exhibited the same attitude of skepticism towards Tim as he did towards me. My cousin gave Tim the name of another attorney in the Rochester area, but unfortunately that never went anywhere. For approximately a month Tim and I were able to Patricia at The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic unhindered. Unfortunately, while at Strong, Patricia was forbidden to go outside, she was forcefully drugged and her privacy was abused.
Here are some audio files that were collected during Patricia's time at Strong which I believe verify the above claims:
Everything seemed to be moving in a more favorable direction when suddenly on Thursday December 4, 2008, without notice Patricia was abruptly moved to The Shore Winds Nursing Home which is also located in the City of Rochester. No explanation was given. Sunday December 7, 2008 was the first time I visited Patricia at The Shore Winds Nursing Home. Both Tim and I were able to visit her together. When we arrived we were shocked to see that Patricia was fitted with a house arrest like Radio Frequency Ankle Bracelet. In spite of everything that transpired Patricia was in relatively good spirits (Patricia is the kindest, most gentle person you'll ever meet. She is a naturally jovial person, always laughing, smiling and in good spirits. I truly believe that this woman literally wouldn't harm a fly). Although initially I was able to see Patricia unhindered that unfortunately wasn't the case for Tim. Right from the start it was touch and go in regards to Tim being able to see Patricia. During this period of time Tim took a picture of some of the food that Patricia was served:
On December 12, 2008, Tim Bowman and a witness attended a meeting at the Shore Winds nursing home with the Nursing home administrator John Zehr and Patricia's court appointed Guardian Linda Ricigliano of Catholic Family Services along with some other people. Based on their account after the meeting everything seemed to be on the right track. During the course of the meeting even the nursing home administrator said he thought that Tim was an intelligent man. Before this meeting took place Tim was being prevented from seeing Patricia. After the meeting Tim was once again permitted to visit Patricia.
On December 15, 2008, however, after an 11 day game of Cat and Mouse they banned Tim from visiting Patricia for good. Imagine not being able to see your wife everyday for almost two years? Well that is what Tim has had to put up with. I believe if not for their mutual faith in Yeshua The Savior things would definitely be different.
(While we are on the subject I implore anyone that is reading this story to please come into a covenant relationship with Yahweh The Creator of The Universe through his Son Yeshua(aka Jesus)The Savior. My life and the lives of countless others has been changed forever after accepting Yeshua as our Savior and making him the Master of our lives. This is not about perfection, good deeds, dos and don't's, meditation and fasting or anything else religious. This is about a personal relationship with Yahweh/Yeshua The Creator of All Things. This is what Yahweh/Yeshua is looking for-a relationship with you. Real healing only happens when you come into a relationship with The Great Physician. If you would like to learn more about beginning this process please visit: and to start).
Here is a video from the last day that Tim saw Patricia. The date of this visit was December 15, 2008. He was escorted off of the premises because he spoke his mind in regards to the staff's feelings towards and treatment of Patricia. The staff overheard him and the rest is history. This is the abbreviated version:
Getting back to my account. Even after Tim was permanently banned from visiting Patricia for a short period of time I was still able to visit Patricia on my own. On one of these lone visits with Patricia where she walked me down the corridor to see me off. As we approached the elevators, all of a sudden, the red light by the elevator starting flashing and a siren sounded. The elevator system completely shut down. This noticeably unnerved Patricia. A nurse had to come by and punch a code into the keypad next to the elevator to return things back to normal. After calming Patricia down I got on the elevator to leave. The same nurse stepped onto the elevator as well. As we rode down I half-jokingly asked her if Patricia was on house arrest. She told me that the ankle bracelet was to ensure that Patricia didn't attempt to escape.
Alas my last time visiting Patricia was Christmas Day 2008 (That is until January-April of this year, yet I was once again unlawfully banned from visiting with Patricia). Patricia told me during the course of our visit that one of the nurses told her that they didn't want "Nick" to visit her anymore. When I heard this I knew that something was going to go down and that visiting Patricia would be tight. I didn't know, however, that this would be the last time that I would see Patricia until January of this year. A week later I was unlawfully banned from seeing her. That was until, by God's Grace, I was able to visit her from January to April of this year. Yet once again as I stated above I was banned once again in April.
Although I have been involved in this situation from November 2008 until the present, as I stated above before November of 2008 I had never seen nor met Timothy Bowman or Patricia Kobylak. I have absolutely nothing to gain by getting involved in this situation. I have not been paid one dime to write the things you read on this website or the many letters and emails that I have written on behalf of Patricia Kobylak. What you read on this website is what I experienced or what I have been told that has been verified by the actions of all of those implicated in the crime committed against both Patricia Kobylak and Timothy Bowman as well as the evidence that was collected by various people over a period of time which I have placed on this website to verify the things that I state. I believe that Yeshua brought me into Tim's life because of the great trials that Tim would be facing through this entire ordeal and that he would need a brother in Messiah to help him through this ordeal. That is what The Body of Messiah is all about. When one part of the body is being assaulted, we are all assaulted. It has been an extremely trying time, but Tim has stayed steadfast in his fight to free his wife from the prison she has been in for more than 2 years and in his faith that Yahweh is The One that is ultimately in control of this situation. Timothy Bowman has not been allowed to see his wife since December 15, 2008. Can you imagine not being able to see your wife for almost 2 years, even though she resides less than 5 miles from where you currently live? I have been around for many different trying occurrences that have taken place over approximately the last 3 years. From seeing the elevator system shut down at The Shore Winds Nursing Home because Pat got to close to the elevators with her house arrest ankle bracelet (which unnerved Patricia quite a bit and left her considerably shaken) to hearing her repeatedly state that she wanted to be with Tim and that their relationship is the best thing that has ever happened to her. From being thrown out of Shore Winds for no reason whatsoever and unlawfully being banned from visiting Pat to being assaulted by The Shore Winds Administrator John Zehr. From attending court with Tim to contacting countless people in positions of political authority and NGO's that claim to be serving those who have had their human and civil rights abused about Pat's situation and getting very little response. From going on a couple of radio shows with Tim to reading scripture over the phone with Pat. From hearing Patricia recount how she has been forcefully drugged and that the staff at Shore Winds mocks and ridicules her to hearing her desperate cries for freedom and a return home to live with Timothy Bowman. To creating this website to bring awareness to Pat's situation in order to free her from her imprisonment, to bring attention to other people who are in the same situation and making sure it doesn't happen to anyone else. Below you will read about the events that transpired on August 4, 2008 and what events have followed that nightmarish day. My hope is that you will read what has been written on this website and take action accordingly to do everything you can to help save Pat's life. Praying, fasting, signing the petition and contacting the organizations and people we have listed on this website is where you should start if you want to help Pat. Thank you for your time and May The Most High Yahweh Bless you In The Name of His Son our Savior Yeshua The Messiah. Shalom!
Here is an interview that Pat's husband Tim Bowman did regarding Pat's situation. This gives you a good overview of the situation:
On August 4, 2008, Patricia’s three brothers Theodore, David and Ronald Pierce came to Patricia’s place of employment, Whirl Wind Music in Greece, NY (a suburb of Rochester, NY) unannounced and told her that they were taking her to lunch. Without informing Patricia they drove her to her brother David’s house in Pittsford, NY (another suburb of Rochester, NY on the other side of the county). In the audio below Patricia describes herself as having no energy which we believe could possibly indicate that she was drugged. From here the brothers brought Patricia to her home and in conjunction with the Irondequoit police department (another suburb of Rochester, NY) worked together to remove Patricia from her residence at 51 Dewberry Drive and placed her in a Psychiatric ward in the Rochester, NY area called The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic. The involvement of the police came about as a result of a police report filed on August 3rd by Patricia’s brother Theodore Pierce. Yet in my attempt to obtain a copy of this police report via a Freedom of Information Request I was denied on the grounds that the police report doesn’t exist.
Essentially Patricia's 3 brothers with the help of the Irondequoit Police Department coerced, drugged, Kidnapped and imprisoned Patricia in a Psychiatric
Starting at 1:50 in this video in a message left on, Patricia's husband Timothy Bowman's answering machine, Ms. Sue Rumfola who is the Irondequoit Police Department Records Manager and a Lieutenant of the Irondequoit Police Department in two different clips contradicting each other. Ms. Rumfola claims that the Irondequoit police were never at 51 Dewberry Drive and that is why no police report was filed. Yet in the clip of Tim Bowmans's conversation with the Irondequoit police officer who happens to be a Lieutenant, he implies that the Irondequoit Police were at 51 Dewberry Drive, but that the situation was cleared as a Code 40 which according to this officer is the police assisting people to get property from their residence and usually doesn’t involve filing a police report. (Although I later spoke to an Rochester Police Department Officer that told me that something cleared as a code 40 would be recorded which shows that this Lieutenant is a liar. Based on this major contradiction can what these people say be trusted at all? The problem as you will see in this video is that the police were not assisting Patricia in getting property from her residence:
Here is the complete audio between Timothy Bowman and Lieutenant Hunt of The Irondequoit Police Department:
Here is an audio of Patricia recounting the day her brothers kidnapped her:
This is a letter Patricia wrote in 2 parts describing her kidnapping and it is what Patricia mentioned in the above video:
Copy (2) of 0ct 12 pat
Copy of 0ct 12 pat 001
During the court proceedings that happened in the ensuing months after Patricia's confinement she was diagnosed with Dementia and legally incapacitated. In July of 2008, however, a month before Patricia was confined against her will she was given a medical examination by Dr. Kalpana Patel at The Allergy Environmental Care Center in Cheektowaga, NY where she was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Depression, Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies, Autonomic Imbalance and Toxic Heavy Metal Exposure.
Here is Patricia's Medical diagnosis sheet:
As you can see Patricia wasn't diagnosed with dementia. She was, however, diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism requires immediate treatment because if left untreated it mimics and can degenerate into full blown dementia.
Here are a couple of links that illustrate this point: shows dementia like symptoms&source=bl&ots=8Rv8ormyVg&sig=ySzy9Gkb6rhn9NvvCUDn0JxVcjk&hl=en&ei=0jTtStLRNo3jlAeRkomABQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBYQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=&f=false
The fact is, if Patricia showed any signs of cognitive difficulty during her time at Strong it was because of her diagnoses not because of Dementia. In conversations with Patricia it is clear that she has never received adequate treatment for her Hypothyroidism or her other conditions. Her mental condition has deteriorated as a result of neglect on the part of the Strong Behavioral Health Clinic and the Shore Winds nursing home and those that are currently residing over Patricia’s welfare, in particular Patricia’s former court appointed guardian Linda Ricigliano and her current guardian both of Catholic Family services. As a result her physical appearance has considerably changed from December of 2008 to now. This is another symptom of Hypothyroidism and a clear indication that her condition is not being treated. So if Patricia has dementia, which she didn't initially have, it has been induced through neglect and abuse by the staff at the Strong Behavioral Health Clinic, the Shore winds nursing home and Catholic Family Services.
While at Strong, Patricia was forbidden to go outside, she was forcefully drugged and her privacy was abused.
On December 5, 2008, after 4 months at The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic, Patricia was abruptly moved to The Shore Winds Nursing Home which is also located in Rochester, NY. Below is evidence that the Shore Winds nursing home is arguably the worst nursing home in New York State:
Now, as stated above, Patricia has been deemed legally incapacitated by the court because they said she has Dementia. We have shown that at the time of the courts ruling that this was false and if she currently does in fact have Dementia that it's been induced through neglect and abuse. Yet if she did have Dementia as the court claims, why were they forcing her to take Risperdal , a drug that is used in the treatment of Schizophrenia, is not approved in the treatment of patients with Dementia and is something that can kill her?
Here is a link to the dangers of Risperdal:
In addition, according to Patricia the staff at Shore Winds forced her to take a drug called Lexapro. Here is a link to the side effects of Lexapro: Side Effects
One of the side effects of Lexapro is rashes. Is it a coincidence that Patricia suffered from severe rashes for months? You be the judge.
Summary of Abuse
Patricia's rights have been intentionally and completely abused by all parties involved. The court system, the Police, "her family", her employer, her former mental health attorney Craig Levine, the Psychiatric ward staff and the nursing home Administrator and staff, her court appointed guardian Linda Ricigliano of Catholic Family Services which is located at 87 North Clinton Avenue here in Rochester, NY and many more have completely treated Patricia like she is nothing but a thing; an IT. It is truly disgusting what they have done to this humble, loving, God-fearing women.
Anyone who knows Patricia knows that this is an unnecessary measure to take. She has never even gotten a ticket.
Patricia was moved from the second floor to the third floor Lock down Dementia unit and resided there from January to November of 2009, until she was moved back down to the second floor on November 9, 2009, where she resides to this day. Visitation is still being restricted to the guardians authorized list. For the majority of time that Patricia has been confined at the Shore Winds she has been without a phone many of those conversations have been monitored by thestaff at Shore Winds without Patricia's permission. This again is an abuse of her NYS Patient Bill of Rights.
This is a 59 year old women that is more than capable enough to take care of herself and to make her own decisions in regards to whether for instance she should take drugs or not. Before her kidnapping and forced confinement Patricia drove, worked a full time job as an accounts payable clerk and was good at what she did, was a fine cook, served her family as a loyal and doting sister and daughter, served in the local church and had her own loving home with her husband Timothy Bowman and their cats. Patricia has never been a threat to herself or to others. She has never even gotten a parking or speeding ticket. Is it moral that Patricia's life has been destroyed and her constitutional rights abused because of a false medical diagnosis?
In fact, here is Patricia's former mental health defense attorney stating that Patricia doesn't need a guardian:
Yet according to a witness he changed his story in court and said that Patricia was a danger to herself and others and needed a guardian.
Here is a an audio of Patricia’s former court appointed guardian Linda Ricigliano where she admits on record that Patricia was placed at the Shore Winds nursing home for insurance reasons and that she doesn’t believe Patricia belongs there:
On many occasions in the past I attempted to contact Patricia’s former court appointed guardian Linda Ricigliano by mail, phone and visiting Catholic Family Services to speak with her in person about Patricia’s situation and for one reason or another she was never available.
Here is a letter in 3 parts written by one of the Investigator's on Patricia Kobylak's case (the same witness that I mentioned above) stating that he as well as members of Patricia's own family believe that Patricia is stable enough to be released back to her own home to live independently of a guardian and that Patricia's wishes were completely overlooked during the court hearing:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
This is information from Patricia's former attorney which confirms all of the above facts:
In the Matter of the Application of Index No. 13096/08
For the Appointment of a Guardian for AFFIRMATION
An Alleged Incapacitated Person.
GERARD F. PARISI, ESQ., an attorney duly admitted to the practice of law before the Courts of the State of New York, affirms the following under the penalties for perjury:
1. I am a Partner at the law firm of Parisi, Coan & Saccocio, PLLC, attorneys for the Petitioner Patricia Kobylak and am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances of this matter.
2. I respectfully submit this Affirmation in reply to the Affidavits in Opposition to Petitioner’s Order to Show Cause requesting modification of the Guardianship powers as they relate to the Petitioner’s personal needs and social aspects of Petitioner’s life.
3. In response to the argument set forth in the Affidavit of Linda Ricigliano and Miles Zatkowsky, Esq., that Patricia Kobylak lacks the capacity to hire legal counsel, I refer the Court to Mental Hygiene Law Section 81.10 wherein it states as follows:
“Any person for whom relief under this article is sought shall have the right to choose and engage legal counsel of the person’s choice. In such event, any attorney appointed pursuant to this section shall continue his or her duties until the court has determined that retained counsel has been chosen freely and independently by the alleged incapacitated person.”
4. I was hired by Patricia Kobylak to represent her with regard to the present application only after I met with Patricia at Shore Winds Nursing Home, her current residence. At this meeting, she clearly expressed her desire to modify the Guardianship Order to allow herself to have more control over who she is able to visit with while at Shore Winds. Patricia independently and freely chose myself to represent her for the above stated purpose and to be her advocate for other personal items.
5. An individual in the position of Patricia should be allowed to choose an attorney to advocate on her behalf for her rights and freedoms. The fact that the Guardian was granted the authority to hire counsel for Patricia should not take away the right that Patricia has to hire one for herself, if it is done so freely and independently. Otherwise, a Guardian who was being unresponsive and abusive to an individual determined to be incapacitated by the court would have no protection whatsoever. If only the guardian had the power to hire an attorney, the ward may be forever condemned to suffer from such actions against her. Furthermore, where an individual desires to terminate a Guardianship, to the disapproval of the Guardian, the individual must be able to, on their own, chose an attorney to represent them.
6. In the present case, I traveled 6 hours to meet with Patricia personally prior to my representation for the sole purpose of making a determination as to whether she desired to have an advocate represent her interests. I met her only in the presence of the Guardian and a Shore Winds staff member and she clearly expressed frustration with the Guardian and clearly expressed a desire to be represented. Nobody else was present during this meeting to exert any influence upon her.
7. I subsequently mailed paperwork to Patricia for review. I had a conversation with the Guardian who assured me that the mail would be delivered whereby I could call Patricia to review and discuss. Despite the promise of the Guardian, the mail was confiscated by said Guardian. I then obtained a second promise from the Guardian to return the papers so that I could discuss them with Patricia. Again, despite her promise, the papers were never returned for my discussion with my client.
8. Regardless, any question of whether I was hired to represent Patricia freely and independently is a question to be determined by the Court.
9. In response to the allegations contained within the Affidavits in Opposition with regard to Timothy Bowman, all of the complaints contained therein took place in the past at a time when Mr. Bowman was frustrated and upset. While it is true that Shore Winds obtained a Restraining Order against Mr. Bowman, it is noted that he never once violated the Order and it has since expired.
10. Furthermore, Mr. Bowman was unrepresented, not allowed to attend the Article 81 Hearing, had his long-time companion whisked away to a nursing home and was then cut off from contact with her. It is clearly understandable why he would be upset.
11. The Guardian claims several reasons for cutting off all communication and sealing Patricia away in a nursing home, even though the Guardian readily admits that the nursing home is not the appropriate place for her.
12. The alleged “pills” that Mr. Bowman sent to Patricia – which were actually vitamins- were sent to help her. To state this as a reason for cutting off all communication is, quite frankly, a bit oppressive. He was clearly not trying to accomplish anything malicious in nature.
13. The alleged “kidnapping plot” is a fiction of the Guardian’s imagination and unchecked emotions. She assumes because Mr. Bowman arrived in a limo that a kidnapping plot was at hand. I have yet to see any evidence of the alleged plot. In fact, it is my understanding that the limo was that of an actress who came to visit with Patricia in light of her new found and unfortunate situation. If the Guardian and Shore Winds were convinced that this was a “kidnapping plot”, why didn’t they turn to the police to have Mr. Bowman arrested for kidnapping or attempted kidnapping? It is not appropriate to punish Patricia, by restricting her rights and freedoms to have visitors, make phone calls and receive mail, because of the Guardian’s perceived but unsubstantiated thoughts about the situation.
14. In reference to internet postings made by Mr. Bowman, whether or not Mr. Bowman chooses to blog on the internet is of no value to the present petition. Mr. Bowman is a lay person who is frustrated, and rightly so, with the way that the system has treated Patricia. She is essentially imprisoned in a nursing home, which took all of her money, even though all parties admit she does not need skilled nursing care. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to better her situation, he has turned to the internet to seek help and reach out to other individuals who may be able to provide help and support.
15. The present application of petitioner is looking towards the future and moving forward with the best interests of Patricia in mind. If the minimal requested visitation results in harm to Patricia, then it should be clear. Otherwise, there is no reason to treat Patricia like a prisoner by restricting her freedoms to such basic rights as receiving mail, having a telephone and going outside. Doing so also violates the court Order which clearly states that “the Guardian shall afford the Respondent the greatest amount of independence and self-determination with respect to personal needs…”. The Guardian and representatives of Shore Winds are too personally and emotionally involved in this situation and it appears to be affecting their abilities to be objective and make fair and reasonable decisions.
16. Our proposal, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit “A”, made to all parties seeks to allow only two hours of supervised visitation between Patricia and Timothy Bowman every Monday. The visits would take place off site of Shore Winds, per their request, and would be supervised by an individual who is acceptable to all those involved. Four respectable individuals, including an attorney and a fire captain, were listed as potential supervisors. This is a very limited, minimal request for a small part of Patricia’s freedom and quality of life. It is simply not humane to keep her basically under lock and key at a nursing home without the ability to have some input regarding who she is allowed to visit with. Patricia has done nothing wrong.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests an Order modifying the Guardianship powers as they relate to Petitioner’s personal needs and social aspects of Petitioner’s life, specifically allowing for two hours of off-site supervised visits per week between the Petitioner, Patricia Kobylak and Timothy Bowman.
Dated: February 10, 2010
Parisi, Coan & Saccocio, PLLC
Attorneys for Petitioner
376 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Schenectady, NY 12305
Here is a letter written by Patricia requesting that she be released into the care of her husband Timothy Bowman. Would someone with Dementia write this letter:
Pat Request Release Sept.23
Tim Bowman's Interview w/Chris From Freedom Fighter's For America
Here is Timothy Bowman, the Common Law Husband of Patricia Kobylak, talking about what happened to Patricia.
Prisoner of The System: The Pat Kobylak Story
Prisoner of The System: The Drugging, Kidnapping and False Imprisonment of Pat Kobylak
Before I move on to the facts of Patricia's case, for those that believe that Pat's situation is contrived I would like to direct your attention to some other situations I recently discovered which parallel Patricia's situation. The first video details the story of Evelyn Schwartz and the second video deals with the Reta Cook situation. Hopefully this will lend credence to what I am saying about Pat and for those that believe Pat's situation is valid but isolated here is evidence that it is frighteningly wide spread (The only difference between each of these situations are the ages of the women. Evelyn, who passed away in February of this year, was 93, Reta is 84 and Patricia is 60 years old. Regardless of the age of the person, the crimes committed against these women and their loved ones is abominable):
>The Evelyn Schwartz Story
The Reta Cook Story
Update January-April 2011:
By The Grace of our Heavenly Father, I was able to visit Patricia at the Shore Winds nursing home from late January of this year until late April without incident. That ended, however, on April 23rd of this year. I was told that I wasn't on the approved visitors list. I pressed them to bring Patricia out to ask her if she wanted to visit with me or not, but they refused.Although, there was no incident ever reported, no complaints by Patricia and no court order or order of protection restricting my visitation I was kicked out and the police were called. I was told by both the nursing home staff and the police that I needed to contact the family. The same people that are guilty of coercing, drugging, kidnapping and forcefully imprisoning an innocent woman are the people that I was told to contact in order to get permission to visit Patricia. Well, this will not deter Timothy Bowman and I from fighting to save Patricia's life.
In the 4 months that I was able to visit Patricia, by The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ, I was able to collect pictures, audio and visual recordings. Here are some of the pictures that I collected:
Here is an affidavit that I submitted to the courts regarding the same day these pictures were taken:
We haven't heard from Patricia since June 11th of 2011. We don't know if Patricia is dead or alive at this point. All we have is the Faith that The Father In Heaven is in control of this situation and that His Will shall be accomplished. We continue to press ahead to save Pat's life, but we can use all the help we can get.
First and foremost, please pray for Patricia, Tim and those that have have perpetrated this heinous crime. There is nothing more powerful than prayer. So let us all, as we are commanded in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray without Ceasing!"
Here are some verses in scripture that point to the power and importance of Prayer:
“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18
“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16
“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Matthew 5:44
"Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." Matthew 17:21
“If any of you lacks wisdom, his should ask God, who gives generously to all without fault, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5
“Brethren, pray for us.” 1 Thessalonians 5:25
“Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; and that we may be delivered from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2
“Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God for me.” Romans 15:30
“With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.” Ephesians 6:18-20
“Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God may open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; in order that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak.” Colossians 4:2-3
-I want to create a groundswell of support to save Pat's life. For purposes of security please contact me via email and I will articulate what I have in mind.
-In the meantime, please contact the following outlets below or you can visit the People and Organizations contact list on the left hand side and tell them about Pat's situation:
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo
WHEC News Channel 10
191 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14604
Phone #: (585) 546-5670 | Email:
WOKR News Channel 13
Rochester Mayor Thomas Richards
Please feel free to contact me (Nicholas Gentile) at or her Husband Timothy Bowman at
Shalom. My name is Nicholas Gentile. On the night of Tuesday November 11, 2008 my life would change forever. I remember the date because that night I celebrated my ex-girlfriend's birthday. Before the celebration got underway, however, I decided to search the web. I eventually decided on going to As I searched through the list of shows, one in particular caught my eye. As I tuned in and started listening I became more and more intrigued with the story that the guest was telling. That night the show featured a man talking about his wife being kidnapped by her family and involuntarily placed at a Psychiatric ward. As the show progressed the guest mentioned that this was all taking place in the city of my residence, Rochester, NY. The guests name was Tim Bowman and his wife's name was Patricia Kobylak. When I heard this it grabbed my attention because I live in Rochester. The more information the guest divulged the worse the story became. I knew I had to do something so I waited for the right time and called into the show. I told the host that I lived in the Rochester area and that I had a cousin who was an attorney in the Greater Rochester Area. I told Tim (this was the first time I had heard of Timothy Bowman or spoken with him in my life) and the host of the show that I would contact my cousin to see what he could do. Even if he couldn't do anything maybe their was another attorney that he was aware of that could do something about the situation. After the show Tim Bowman and I exchanged email addresses and I told him that I would call my cousin the next day. The next day rolls around and I called my cousins office, but I was told by his secretary that he would be out of his office for a period of days. I left a message with her for him to get back to me, thanked her for her time and hung up. That same day I would also speak to Tim for the first time one on one over the phone. We talked about meeting up with one another so that I could go with him to visit his wife Patricia at The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic, the psychiatric ward, that Patricia was being involuntarily held at. I told Tim that I needed to visit a cousin of mine (a different cousin) for a couple of days, but when I got back that I would go with him to visit Patricia. After visiting this cousin for a couple of days I returned home and on the Sunday after the internet broadcast, Tim and I visited Patricia at the psychiatric ward . This was the first time I ever met Timothy Bowman and Patricia Kobylak. Prior to this I had never met Timothy Bowman or Patricia Kobylak. The next day I would receive a call from my cousin. After relaying the story to him to the best of my ability he was skeptical of what I was telling him. From the tone of the conversation I knew he had already made up his mind. I asked him to please speak to Tim regardless of what he felt after hearing what I had to say because although I knew what Tim was saying was true (by the grace of The Ruakh/The Spirit of Yahweh) I was new to the situation and was just getting acclimated to what I was hearing and had yet to hear all of the details. He agreed to speak with Tim, but again seemingly already made up his mind. After hanging up with my cousin I called Tim and informed him that I had just talked to my cousin and that although it didn't look very promising that he should still give my cousin a call to see what would happen. Not to long after hanging up with Tim he called me back and told me he spoke to my cousin. According to Tim my cousin exhibited the same attitude of skepticism towards Tim as he did towards me. My cousin gave Tim the name of another attorney in the Rochester area, but unfortunately that never went anywhere. For approximately a month Tim and I were able to Patricia at The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic unhindered. Unfortunately, while at Strong, Patricia was forbidden to go outside, she was forcefully drugged and her privacy was abused.
Here are some audio files that were collected during Patricia's time at Strong which I believe verify the above claims:
Everything seemed to be moving in a more favorable direction when suddenly on Thursday December 4, 2008, without notice Patricia was abruptly moved to The Shore Winds Nursing Home which is also located in the City of Rochester. No explanation was given. Sunday December 7, 2008 was the first time I visited Patricia at The Shore Winds Nursing Home. Both Tim and I were able to visit her together. When we arrived we were shocked to see that Patricia was fitted with a house arrest like Radio Frequency Ankle Bracelet. In spite of everything that transpired Patricia was in relatively good spirits (Patricia is the kindest, most gentle person you'll ever meet. She is a naturally jovial person, always laughing, smiling and in good spirits. I truly believe that this woman literally wouldn't harm a fly). Although initially I was able to see Patricia unhindered that unfortunately wasn't the case for Tim. Right from the start it was touch and go in regards to Tim being able to see Patricia. During this period of time Tim took a picture of some of the food that Patricia was served:
On December 12, 2008, Tim Bowman and a witness attended a meeting at the Shore Winds nursing home with the Nursing home administrator John Zehr and Patricia's court appointed Guardian Linda Ricigliano of Catholic Family Services along with some other people. Based on their account after the meeting everything seemed to be on the right track. During the course of the meeting even the nursing home administrator said he thought that Tim was an intelligent man. Before this meeting took place Tim was being prevented from seeing Patricia. After the meeting Tim was once again permitted to visit Patricia.
On December 15, 2008, however, after an 11 day game of Cat and Mouse they banned Tim from visiting Patricia for good. Imagine not being able to see your wife everyday for almost two years? Well that is what Tim has had to put up with. I believe if not for their mutual faith in Yeshua The Savior things would definitely be different.
(While we are on the subject I implore anyone that is reading this story to please come into a covenant relationship with Yahweh The Creator of The Universe through his Son Yeshua(aka Jesus)The Savior. My life and the lives of countless others has been changed forever after accepting Yeshua as our Savior and making him the Master of our lives. This is not about perfection, good deeds, dos and don't's, meditation and fasting or anything else religious. This is about a personal relationship with Yahweh/Yeshua The Creator of All Things. This is what Yahweh/Yeshua is looking for-a relationship with you. Real healing only happens when you come into a relationship with The Great Physician. If you would like to learn more about beginning this process please visit: and to start).
Here is a video from the last day that Tim saw Patricia. The date of this visit was December 15, 2008. He was escorted off of the premises because he spoke his mind in regards to the staff's feelings towards and treatment of Patricia. The staff overheard him and the rest is history. This is the abbreviated version:
Getting back to my account. Even after Tim was permanently banned from visiting Patricia for a short period of time I was still able to visit Patricia on my own. On one of these lone visits with Patricia where she walked me down the corridor to see me off. As we approached the elevators, all of a sudden, the red light by the elevator starting flashing and a siren sounded. The elevator system completely shut down. This noticeably unnerved Patricia. A nurse had to come by and punch a code into the keypad next to the elevator to return things back to normal. After calming Patricia down I got on the elevator to leave. The same nurse stepped onto the elevator as well. As we rode down I half-jokingly asked her if Patricia was on house arrest. She told me that the ankle bracelet was to ensure that Patricia didn't attempt to escape.
Alas my last time visiting Patricia was Christmas Day 2008 (That is until January-April of this year, yet I was once again unlawfully banned from visiting with Patricia). Patricia told me during the course of our visit that one of the nurses told her that they didn't want "Nick" to visit her anymore. When I heard this I knew that something was going to go down and that visiting Patricia would be tight. I didn't know, however, that this would be the last time that I would see Patricia until January of this year. A week later I was unlawfully banned from seeing her. That was until, by God's Grace, I was able to visit her from January to April of this year. Yet once again as I stated above I was banned once again in April.
Although I have been involved in this situation from November 2008 until the present, as I stated above before November of 2008 I had never seen nor met Timothy Bowman or Patricia Kobylak. I have absolutely nothing to gain by getting involved in this situation. I have not been paid one dime to write the things you read on this website or the many letters and emails that I have written on behalf of Patricia Kobylak. What you read on this website is what I experienced or what I have been told that has been verified by the actions of all of those implicated in the crime committed against both Patricia Kobylak and Timothy Bowman as well as the evidence that was collected by various people over a period of time which I have placed on this website to verify the things that I state. I believe that Yeshua brought me into Tim's life because of the great trials that Tim would be facing through this entire ordeal and that he would need a brother in Messiah to help him through this ordeal. That is what The Body of Messiah is all about. When one part of the body is being assaulted, we are all assaulted. It has been an extremely trying time, but Tim has stayed steadfast in his fight to free his wife from the prison she has been in for more than 2 years and in his faith that Yahweh is The One that is ultimately in control of this situation. Timothy Bowman has not been allowed to see his wife since December 15, 2008. Can you imagine not being able to see your wife for almost 2 years, even though she resides less than 5 miles from where you currently live? I have been around for many different trying occurrences that have taken place over approximately the last 3 years. From seeing the elevator system shut down at The Shore Winds Nursing Home because Pat got to close to the elevators with her house arrest ankle bracelet (which unnerved Patricia quite a bit and left her considerably shaken) to hearing her repeatedly state that she wanted to be with Tim and that their relationship is the best thing that has ever happened to her. From being thrown out of Shore Winds for no reason whatsoever and unlawfully being banned from visiting Pat to being assaulted by The Shore Winds Administrator John Zehr. From attending court with Tim to contacting countless people in positions of political authority and NGO's that claim to be serving those who have had their human and civil rights abused about Pat's situation and getting very little response. From going on a couple of radio shows with Tim to reading scripture over the phone with Pat. From hearing Patricia recount how she has been forcefully drugged and that the staff at Shore Winds mocks and ridicules her to hearing her desperate cries for freedom and a return home to live with Timothy Bowman. To creating this website to bring awareness to Pat's situation in order to free her from her imprisonment, to bring attention to other people who are in the same situation and making sure it doesn't happen to anyone else. Below you will read about the events that transpired on August 4, 2008 and what events have followed that nightmarish day. My hope is that you will read what has been written on this website and take action accordingly to do everything you can to help save Pat's life. Praying, fasting, signing the petition and contacting the organizations and people we have listed on this website is where you should start if you want to help Pat. Thank you for your time and May The Most High Yahweh Bless you In The Name of His Son our Savior Yeshua The Messiah. Shalom!
Here is an interview that Pat's husband Tim Bowman did regarding Pat's situation. This gives you a good overview of the situation:
On August 4, 2008, Patricia’s three brothers Theodore, David and Ronald Pierce came to Patricia’s place of employment, Whirl Wind Music in Greece, NY (a suburb of Rochester, NY) unannounced and told her that they were taking her to lunch. Without informing Patricia they drove her to her brother David’s house in Pittsford, NY (another suburb of Rochester, NY on the other side of the county). In the audio below Patricia describes herself as having no energy which we believe could possibly indicate that she was drugged. From here the brothers brought Patricia to her home and in conjunction with the Irondequoit police department (another suburb of Rochester, NY) worked together to remove Patricia from her residence at 51 Dewberry Drive and placed her in a Psychiatric ward in the Rochester, NY area called The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic. The involvement of the police came about as a result of a police report filed on August 3rd by Patricia’s brother Theodore Pierce. Yet in my attempt to obtain a copy of this police report via a Freedom of Information Request I was denied on the grounds that the police report doesn’t exist.
Essentially Patricia's 3 brothers with the help of the Irondequoit Police Department coerced, drugged, Kidnapped and imprisoned Patricia in a Psychiatric
Starting at 1:50 in this video in a message left on, Patricia's husband Timothy Bowman's answering machine, Ms. Sue Rumfola who is the Irondequoit Police Department Records Manager and a Lieutenant of the Irondequoit Police Department in two different clips contradicting each other. Ms. Rumfola claims that the Irondequoit police were never at 51 Dewberry Drive and that is why no police report was filed. Yet in the clip of Tim Bowmans's conversation with the Irondequoit police officer who happens to be a Lieutenant, he implies that the Irondequoit Police were at 51 Dewberry Drive, but that the situation was cleared as a Code 40 which according to this officer is the police assisting people to get property from their residence and usually doesn’t involve filing a police report. (Although I later spoke to an Rochester Police Department Officer that told me that something cleared as a code 40 would be recorded which shows that this Lieutenant is a liar. Based on this major contradiction can what these people say be trusted at all? The problem as you will see in this video is that the police were not assisting Patricia in getting property from her residence:
Here is the complete audio between Timothy Bowman and Lieutenant Hunt of The Irondequoit Police Department:
Here is an audio of Patricia recounting the day her brothers kidnapped her:
This is a letter Patricia wrote in 2 parts describing her kidnapping and it is what Patricia mentioned in the above video:
Copy (2) of 0ct 12 pat
Copy of 0ct 12 pat 001
During the court proceedings that happened in the ensuing months after Patricia's confinement she was diagnosed with Dementia and legally incapacitated. In July of 2008, however, a month before Patricia was confined against her will she was given a medical examination by Dr. Kalpana Patel at The Allergy Environmental Care Center in Cheektowaga, NY where she was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Depression, Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies, Autonomic Imbalance and Toxic Heavy Metal Exposure.
Here is Patricia's Medical diagnosis sheet:

As you can see Patricia wasn't diagnosed with dementia. She was, however, diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism requires immediate treatment because if left untreated it mimics and can degenerate into full blown dementia.
Here are a couple of links that illustrate this point: shows dementia like symptoms&source=bl&ots=8Rv8ormyVg&sig=ySzy9Gkb6rhn9NvvCUDn0JxVcjk&hl=en&ei=0jTtStLRNo3jlAeRkomABQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBYQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=&f=false
The fact is, if Patricia showed any signs of cognitive difficulty during her time at Strong it was because of her diagnoses not because of Dementia. In conversations with Patricia it is clear that she has never received adequate treatment for her Hypothyroidism or her other conditions. Her mental condition has deteriorated as a result of neglect on the part of the Strong Behavioral Health Clinic and the Shore Winds nursing home and those that are currently residing over Patricia’s welfare, in particular Patricia’s former court appointed guardian Linda Ricigliano and her current guardian both of Catholic Family services. As a result her physical appearance has considerably changed from December of 2008 to now. This is another symptom of Hypothyroidism and a clear indication that her condition is not being treated. So if Patricia has dementia, which she didn't initially have, it has been induced through neglect and abuse by the staff at the Strong Behavioral Health Clinic, the Shore winds nursing home and Catholic Family Services.
While at Strong, Patricia was forbidden to go outside, she was forcefully drugged and her privacy was abused.
On December 5, 2008, after 4 months at The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic, Patricia was abruptly moved to The Shore Winds Nursing Home which is also located in Rochester, NY. Below is evidence that the Shore Winds nursing home is arguably the worst nursing home in New York State:
Now, as stated above, Patricia has been deemed legally incapacitated by the court because they said she has Dementia. We have shown that at the time of the courts ruling that this was false and if she currently does in fact have Dementia that it's been induced through neglect and abuse. Yet if she did have Dementia as the court claims, why were they forcing her to take Risperdal , a drug that is used in the treatment of Schizophrenia, is not approved in the treatment of patients with Dementia and is something that can kill her?
Here is a link to the dangers of Risperdal:
In addition, according to Patricia the staff at Shore Winds forced her to take a drug called Lexapro. Here is a link to the side effects of Lexapro: Side Effects
One of the side effects of Lexapro is rashes. Is it a coincidence that Patricia suffered from severe rashes for months? You be the judge.
Summary of Abuse
As a result of this false medical diagnosis Patricia has been deemed legally incapacitated by the courts. This means that she has no rights. The people who are currently residing over Patricia’s welfare can essentially do whatever they want to her and say that it is for her own good or that they are doing what is in her best interest.
This is what has kept her forcefully confined to both the Strong Behavioral Health Clinic and the Shore Winds nursing home since August 2008. Despite the fact that Patricia has stated numerous times to me that she wants to return to her home, resume her life with and be in the care of her Husband Timothy Bowman. She told me on numerous occasions that her relationship with Timothy Bowman is the best thing that ever happened to her.
Between these two facilities this is the treatment that Patricia has received.
1. Patricia's NYS Patient Bill of Rights and Constitutional Rights have been trampled.
2. Patricia has been tortured.
3. Patricia has been forcefully drugged. Both facilities claim Patricia has Dementia. Well if she has dementia why have both facilities forced her to take an anti-psychotic (Risperdal) which has been shown to be fatal when given to Dementia patients?
4. Patricia has been forbidden to go outside.
5. Patricia's privacy has constantly been invaded.
6. The Shore Winds staff has placed Patricia in a room with a woman that frequently screams profanities at her (She is in a small room with 3 other woman).
7. The staff at Shore Winds has mocked Patricia and laughed at her condition.
8. Patricia is not allowed to have any contact with her Husband Timothy Bowman or anyone else that she wants to see. Patricia is not allowed to have any of. The only people allowed to interact with Ms. Kobylak are those people either directly responsible for her confinement or people apathetic to her situation.
10. Patricia is not allowed to receive packages from friends. The packages I have sent to her have been returned to me as well as her Husband Timothy Bowman.
11. For a period of time at Shore Winds, Patricia was allowed only one shower per week where she was made to be washed by a staff member.
Anyone who knows Patricia knows that this is an unnecessary measure to take. She has never even gotten a ticket.
Patricia was moved from the second floor to the third floor Lock down Dementia unit and resided there from January to November of 2009, until she was moved back down to the second floor on November 9, 2009, where she resides to this day. Visitation is still being restricted to the guardians authorized list. For the majority of time that Patricia has been confined at the Shore Winds she has been without a phone many of those conversations have been monitored by thestaff at Shore Winds without Patricia's permission. This again is an abuse of her NYS Patient Bill of Rights.
In fact, here is Patricia's former mental health defense attorney stating that Patricia doesn't need a guardian:
Yet according to a witness he changed his story in court and said that Patricia was a danger to herself and others and needed a guardian.
Here is a an audio of Patricia’s former court appointed guardian Linda Ricigliano where she admits on record that Patricia was placed at the Shore Winds nursing home for insurance reasons and that she doesn’t believe Patricia belongs there:
On many occasions in the past I attempted to contact Patricia’s former court appointed guardian Linda Ricigliano by mail, phone and visiting Catholic Family Services to speak with her in person about Patricia’s situation and for one reason or another she was never available.
Here is a letter in 3 parts written by one of the Investigator's on Patricia Kobylak's case (the same witness that I mentioned above) stating that he as well as members of Patricia's own family believe that Patricia is stable enough to be released back to her own home to live independently of a guardian and that Patricia's wishes were completely overlooked during the court hearing:
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:
This is information from Patricia's former attorney which confirms all of the above facts:
In the Matter of the Application of Index No. 13096/08
For the Appointment of a Guardian for AFFIRMATION
An Alleged Incapacitated Person.
GERARD F. PARISI, ESQ., an attorney duly admitted to the practice of law before the Courts of the State of New York, affirms the following under the penalties for perjury:
1. I am a Partner at the law firm of Parisi, Coan & Saccocio, PLLC, attorneys for the Petitioner Patricia Kobylak and am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances of this matter.
2. I respectfully submit this Affirmation in reply to the Affidavits in Opposition to Petitioner’s Order to Show Cause requesting modification of the Guardianship powers as they relate to the Petitioner’s personal needs and social aspects of Petitioner’s life.
3. In response to the argument set forth in the Affidavit of Linda Ricigliano and Miles Zatkowsky, Esq., that Patricia Kobylak lacks the capacity to hire legal counsel, I refer the Court to Mental Hygiene Law Section 81.10 wherein it states as follows:
“Any person for whom relief under this article is sought shall have the right to choose and engage legal counsel of the person’s choice. In such event, any attorney appointed pursuant to this section shall continue his or her duties until the court has determined that retained counsel has been chosen freely and independently by the alleged incapacitated person.”
4. I was hired by Patricia Kobylak to represent her with regard to the present application only after I met with Patricia at Shore Winds Nursing Home, her current residence. At this meeting, she clearly expressed her desire to modify the Guardianship Order to allow herself to have more control over who she is able to visit with while at Shore Winds. Patricia independently and freely chose myself to represent her for the above stated purpose and to be her advocate for other personal items.
5. An individual in the position of Patricia should be allowed to choose an attorney to advocate on her behalf for her rights and freedoms. The fact that the Guardian was granted the authority to hire counsel for Patricia should not take away the right that Patricia has to hire one for herself, if it is done so freely and independently. Otherwise, a Guardian who was being unresponsive and abusive to an individual determined to be incapacitated by the court would have no protection whatsoever. If only the guardian had the power to hire an attorney, the ward may be forever condemned to suffer from such actions against her. Furthermore, where an individual desires to terminate a Guardianship, to the disapproval of the Guardian, the individual must be able to, on their own, chose an attorney to represent them.
6. In the present case, I traveled 6 hours to meet with Patricia personally prior to my representation for the sole purpose of making a determination as to whether she desired to have an advocate represent her interests. I met her only in the presence of the Guardian and a Shore Winds staff member and she clearly expressed frustration with the Guardian and clearly expressed a desire to be represented. Nobody else was present during this meeting to exert any influence upon her.
7. I subsequently mailed paperwork to Patricia for review. I had a conversation with the Guardian who assured me that the mail would be delivered whereby I could call Patricia to review and discuss. Despite the promise of the Guardian, the mail was confiscated by said Guardian. I then obtained a second promise from the Guardian to return the papers so that I could discuss them with Patricia. Again, despite her promise, the papers were never returned for my discussion with my client.
8. Regardless, any question of whether I was hired to represent Patricia freely and independently is a question to be determined by the Court.
9. In response to the allegations contained within the Affidavits in Opposition with regard to Timothy Bowman, all of the complaints contained therein took place in the past at a time when Mr. Bowman was frustrated and upset. While it is true that Shore Winds obtained a Restraining Order against Mr. Bowman, it is noted that he never once violated the Order and it has since expired.
10. Furthermore, Mr. Bowman was unrepresented, not allowed to attend the Article 81 Hearing, had his long-time companion whisked away to a nursing home and was then cut off from contact with her. It is clearly understandable why he would be upset.
11. The Guardian claims several reasons for cutting off all communication and sealing Patricia away in a nursing home, even though the Guardian readily admits that the nursing home is not the appropriate place for her.
12. The alleged “pills” that Mr. Bowman sent to Patricia – which were actually vitamins- were sent to help her. To state this as a reason for cutting off all communication is, quite frankly, a bit oppressive. He was clearly not trying to accomplish anything malicious in nature.
13. The alleged “kidnapping plot” is a fiction of the Guardian’s imagination and unchecked emotions. She assumes because Mr. Bowman arrived in a limo that a kidnapping plot was at hand. I have yet to see any evidence of the alleged plot. In fact, it is my understanding that the limo was that of an actress who came to visit with Patricia in light of her new found and unfortunate situation. If the Guardian and Shore Winds were convinced that this was a “kidnapping plot”, why didn’t they turn to the police to have Mr. Bowman arrested for kidnapping or attempted kidnapping? It is not appropriate to punish Patricia, by restricting her rights and freedoms to have visitors, make phone calls and receive mail, because of the Guardian’s perceived but unsubstantiated thoughts about the situation.
14. In reference to internet postings made by Mr. Bowman, whether or not Mr. Bowman chooses to blog on the internet is of no value to the present petition. Mr. Bowman is a lay person who is frustrated, and rightly so, with the way that the system has treated Patricia. She is essentially imprisoned in a nursing home, which took all of her money, even though all parties admit she does not need skilled nursing care. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to better her situation, he has turned to the internet to seek help and reach out to other individuals who may be able to provide help and support.
15. The present application of petitioner is looking towards the future and moving forward with the best interests of Patricia in mind. If the minimal requested visitation results in harm to Patricia, then it should be clear. Otherwise, there is no reason to treat Patricia like a prisoner by restricting her freedoms to such basic rights as receiving mail, having a telephone and going outside. Doing so also violates the court Order which clearly states that “the Guardian shall afford the Respondent the greatest amount of independence and self-determination with respect to personal needs…”. The Guardian and representatives of Shore Winds are too personally and emotionally involved in this situation and it appears to be affecting their abilities to be objective and make fair and reasonable decisions.
16. Our proposal, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit “A”, made to all parties seeks to allow only two hours of supervised visitation between Patricia and Timothy Bowman every Monday. The visits would take place off site of Shore Winds, per their request, and would be supervised by an individual who is acceptable to all those involved. Four respectable individuals, including an attorney and a fire captain, were listed as potential supervisors. This is a very limited, minimal request for a small part of Patricia’s freedom and quality of life. It is simply not humane to keep her basically under lock and key at a nursing home without the ability to have some input regarding who she is allowed to visit with. Patricia has done nothing wrong.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests an Order modifying the Guardianship powers as they relate to Petitioner’s personal needs and social aspects of Petitioner’s life, specifically allowing for two hours of off-site supervised visits per week between the Petitioner, Patricia Kobylak and Timothy Bowman.
Dated: February 10, 2010
Parisi, Coan & Saccocio, PLLC
Attorneys for Petitioner
376 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Schenectady, NY 12305
Here is a letter written by Patricia requesting that she be released into the care of her husband Timothy Bowman. Would someone with Dementia write this letter:
Pat Request Release Sept.23